About us.
Since 1854 we’ve been making disciples of Jesus Christ. Why, we even pre-date the City of Dallas! Talk is, however, that we actually go back a few more years but it took a while to get to the paperwork. That’s because we were—and continue to be—actively involved in the community.
A few of our open secrets are that we started the Cedar Hill Food Pantry, Bridges SafeHouse, and the Annual Mission Fun Run.
We are just like you.
We are known as a warm, friendly church that tries our best to follow the Lord and to do good in our community. We invite you to get to know us and come follow alongside us. Averaging less than 150 in our relaxed, traditional-type weekly worship service, we esteem the Word of God, emphasize God’s grace a lot, enjoy seasonal themes, and engage daily life with real world applications of faith.
Yes, we are United Methodist.
Some tend to expect us to have this or that style of worship, but we prefer a good bit of variety throughout the year. Come see for yourself.
Our hospitality is well known, and we look forward to meeting you.

Frequently Asked Questions
What should I wear?
Come as you are. You will find the people of FUMC Cedar Hill in blue jeans, Khakis, dresses, shorts, and skirts. Dress however you feel comfortable.
What are services like?
We strive to create a space for worship. At FUMC Cedar Hill, we want people to experience the presence of God through music and sound preaching. We also want everyone to feel loved from the second they walk through the doors.
What about my young children?
We welcome children of all ages in service. Please feel free to keep your children with you if that is what makes you comfortable. We also have a nursery with fantastic staff for infants through age three, and a toddler room near the back of the sanctuary where your little one can be free to express themself, while you enjoy service.
How about older children?
Yes! We offer Children’s Church for PreK through 5th grade. Children leave from the main sanctuary after the pastoral prayer and go to the Wesley Hall for an engaging Bible Lesson and fun activities.
What music should I expect?
You can enjoy hymns from the United Methodist Hymnal led by our choir. Additionally, we bring in modern worship songs, and throw in some ol’ time Gospel favorites. We strive for our worship to be meaningful and approachable.
Do you have Sunday School?
We have two Sunday School options for adults and both meet at 9am. The Wesley Class meets in the classroom behind the main sanctuary and is currently studying Max Lucado’s book How Happiness Happens. The Partners and Friends class meets in Wesley Hall and is currently studying the book of Hebrews.
Meet our team

Rev. Preston W. Weaver
Lead Pastor
Rev. Weaver has been leading our church since January of 2022. He previously served as the Executive Pastor at St. Paul United Methodist in Dallas and at Kirkwood United Methodist Church in Irving.

Dr. George Shultz
Associate Minister
Dr. George Shultz serves as our associate minister and has been a member of our congregation since 1993. From 1995 to 2016, George was a missionary, teacher, and Bible translator in Cameroon. He helped translate the New Testament into the Kom language while there and has taught others to continue that work with the Old Testament. He still works for Wycliffe Bible Translators and SIL as the Corporation Secretary.

Vincent Stevenson, M.Ed. & Dr. Colleen Alvarenga
Directors of Student Ministries
Vincent Stevenson and Colleen Alvarenga come to our Student Ministries as a husband-and-wife team. Vincent is originally from Fort Smith, Arkansas and Colleen is from Forest Falls, California. Both have extensive backgrounds in education. Vincent holds a Bachelor of Science in Secondary Education with concentrations in both Mathematics and History, as well as a Master of Education in Educational Leadership. While Colleen holds a Bachelor of Arts and a Master of Arts in English Literature and PhD in Curriculum and Instruction with a concentration in English and a minor in Cross-Cultural Studies. The Alvarenga-Stevensons have found their church family at First United Methodist Church Cedar Hill and love serving through Student Ministries.

Randall Capshaw
Director of Music Ministries
Randall Capshaw received his bachelor’s degree in Music Education from the University of North Texas and a Master’s of Music in Choral Conducting from Texas Christian University. He has been a public school choir teacher for 14-years, teaching music and singing to students ranging from elementary to college. He has sung and directed music for several churches and professional choirs throughout the state and is happy to be helping with music for the community at FUMC Cedar Hill.

Grace Capshaw
Grace Capshaw was born in Dallas, Texas, and received her bachelor Music Education from Texas Christian University in Choral Music Education. She completed her degree summa cum laude with University Honors and was the 2017 School of Music Departmental Scholar. Grace is a Choir Director in Wiley ISD and has also worked as the Assistant Choir Director at in Northwest ISD. Grace has a passion for teaching and reaching others through music. She’s excited to serve the music ministry at Cedar Hill United Methodist Church!

Whitney James
Nursery Team
Whitney James has been on our dedicated team nursery for many years. You will see her on Wednesday evenings for Kids’ Club helping with the PreK lesson. Whitney also serves some Sundays caring for infants through age three during worship services.

Carolyn James
Nursery Team
Carolyn James has also been on our dedicated team nursery for many years. You will see her on Wednesday evenings for Kids’ Club helping with the PreK lesson. On Sundays, Carolyn dedicated to caring for infants through age three during worship services. Sherry Shaver

Sherry Shaver
Nursery Team
Sherry is an essential member of our nursery team. She is committed to caring for infants through age three during worship services on Sundays. She is also an invaluable volunteer at children’s events like VBS.

Aaron Gordon
Director of Facilities
Aaron was born and raised in Cedar Hill. He is our long time Facilities Manager, and as Charlie Byrd’s grandson he has learned from the best by helping Charlie since he was 11-years-old. Aaron loves music, is the worship leader, and works with youth at his church.

Larry Horner
Church Treasurer
Larry was born in Amarillo, Texas and has a BBA from UTA with a CPA. He has been married for 38 years to the same woman; they have two daughters. Larry started playing cello at age 10, and for 18 years he has been playing with civic orchestras. He is also CFO of CityHub.Biz, Cedar Hill.