From My Heart

ChurchPastor's Blog

I once heard a church leader say, “The Church is one of those human institutions that exists for others.” He was so right. We do not exist for ourselves, our own cozy community or club, our own set of family-like friends. We exist to glorify God… which is done by faithfulness… which includes inviting others into His kingdom way… which is under His Son, our Savior. Amen. Sermon over. [Wow!, that was short.] From the fullness of my heart I thank you for continuing ministry and mission when we are clearly in need of more money to “pay our bills.” Ministry and mission, in a simplified way, is what we exist for! As a mission outpost ourselves, we are trying to take care of our own needs, (like the obvious mortgage struggles,) while we are simultaneously contributing to godly causes (like Operation Christmas Child), continuing in Gospel ministries (like the newly budding Wesley Academy), and taking the Light of Christ into the world around us (like inviting friends to our Fall Festival or worship). We press on together. Thank you!

From My Heart,
Rev. Jeff Garrett